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Design Code

Illustration of a new hosuing development

We are committed to building a high quality, beautiful and sustainable community in West Corby, in line with the principles of the National Design Guide, meeting the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework, and satisfying the requirements of the outline planning permission, all in line with the original vision of the consortium partners.

The attached Site Wide Design Code sets out the framework upon which subsequent detailed planning applications and phase-specific Design Codes will be based, taking into account the vision and mission statement agreed by the consortium for a community with a distinct identity, inspired by the character and heritage of the local area.

This document sets a high-level framework for how the scheme will be laid out in accordance with the approved masterplan, and how the site will look and feel once developed.

Design Code document

PDF | 9.4mb

A mix of images from the local area.A n illustration of family in front of a house

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